My name is Patrick Boyle and I want to thank you for visiting Treeosaur.com.
I am a dedicated sportsman who has spent the past fifteen years pursuing white-tailed deer in the Northeastern, Midwestern, and Southern United States. I use a multitude of hunting weapons that include the bow, crossbow, shotgun, muzzleloader, and rifle.
There are currently a handful of different hunting strategies used to hunt deer. The vast majority of my successful hunting trips were the result of one very effective hunting strategy: to fool the deer by becoming a tree. This strategy is referred to as stand hunting from a tree. As you just viewed on the opening splash page of Treeosaur.com, I believe many theropod dinosaur species had evolved to use the stand hunting from a tree strategy.
Millions upon millions of North American game animals are taken each year by millions of human hunters using the stand hunting from a tree strategy. Deer, elk, moose, turkey, bear, and other North American game animals have all been fooled when the hunter becomes a tree. To perform, the hunter will either sit/stand at the base of a tree, or sit/stand up high in a tree on a man-made platform. These platforms are called treestands. The goal of the hunter is to blend in and look like a natural part of a tree. For total concealment, the hunter will outfit himself or herself in a forest pattern (tree/branch/leaf) camouflage to become one with a tree. A successful hunter will sit/stand patiently for hours and ambush game animals that wander into his or her weapon’s striking range.
I believe the biomechanics and senses of many theropod dinosaur species allowed them to ambush prey by stand hunting from a tree. In addition, I believe these same theropod dinosaurs utilized trees to support their bodies while sleeping and while mating. I call this theropod dinosaur hunting/sleeping/mating from a tree hypothesis the Treeosaur theory.
Tyrannosaurus rex (T. rex) is a very popular, large theropod dinosaur, which lived in North America at the end of the Cretaceous period. Paleontologists have been studying and teaching us about this fascinating, mysterious animal for over a century. However, paleontologists readily admit that there are still some unsolved mysteries about this dinosaur. Why are T. rex’s arms so small? Was T. rex a predator or a scavenger? I believe these T. rex questions and many other theropod species mysteries can be answered with the Treeosaur theory.
To find out more about the Treeosaur theory, please read all sections on Treeosaur.com.
Thank you for your interest,

Patrick Boyle
North American Hunter |